Physical Fitness Testing
Physical Fitness Testing
This Physical Fitness Program helps assess current fitness levels of our fourth and fifth grade students, and offers awards to encourage them to get moving and stay active. The test consists of five different activities that measure muscular strength and endurance, cardiorespiratory endurance, speed, agility and flexibility. The test is given two times per year, once in the fall and once in the spring. At the end of the school year, students have the opportunity to receive an award based on their percentiles.
The Presidential Physical Fitness Award recognizes students that achieve a percentile of 85 percent or above in all five areas.
The National Physical Fitness Award recognizes students that achieve a percentile of 50 percent or above in all five areas.
The Effort Award is given to students who do not receive one of the above awards, but worked hard and improved in all areas.
Five testing areas include:
1. Sit-ups: measure abdominal strength /endurance by maximum number of sit-ups performed in one minute.
2. Shuttle Run: measure speed and agility
3. Pacer Test: measure cardiorespiratory endurance
4. Pull-ups: measure upper body strength/endurance by maximum number of pull-ups completed.
5. Sit and Reach: measure flexibilty of lower back and hamstring